I Love Female Orgasm :
An Extraordinary Orgasm Guide - $15.95

An incredibly popular book on female orgasm that's received many rave reviews, I Love Female Orgasm: An Extraordinary Orgasm Guide, and has sold over 100,000 copies! Order directly from authors Dorian Solot and Marshall Miller -- we'll send you an autographed copy. It's written for people of all genders, and crammed with friendly, fun information and advice about female orgasm (way more than we can fit in our college programs). Read it by yourself, or with a partner. A note to our trans and ally readers.

Books ordered through this website come with a 100% money back guarantee: If you order it here and don't like the book, if it's not what you expected, or if you change your mind, just mail it back to us and we'll refund your money (including shipping). We realize you can't flip through the book when you're ordering it on our website -- but we think you'll love it once you get it in your hands.


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